ApiExternalUserMapping Data Model

This is the model for external user mapping information in the API, v19 and beyond. These can be of 4 types : LDAP group, SAML, SAML attribute and External Script.

name data type description
name string The name of the external mapping
type ApiExternalUserMappingType The type of the external mapping
uuid string Readonly. The UUID of the authRole.

authRoles array of ApiAuthRoleRef A list of ApiAuthRole that this user possesses. Each custom role with be a built-in role with a set of scopes. ApiAuthRole is the model for specifying custom roles. Only admins and user admins can create/delete/update external user mappings.


  "name" : "...",
  "type" : "LDAP",
  "uuid" : "...",
  "authRoles" : [ {
    "displayName" : "...",
    "name" : "...",
    "uuid" : "..."
  }, {
    "displayName" : "...",
    "name" : "...",
    "uuid" : "..."
  } ]